Body – the actual content of the message The body i.e. the content is the biggest playground of the message. The body contains the actual message that you want to convey in this particular campaign message. Body can be further divid into two subsections primary and secondary content. Primary content If you want to maintain some kind of hierarchy in your message it is recommend to have only one maximum two primary contents in your message.
Content you present the content
In the primary that nes the readers main attention the most. It can be your most popular blog post of the month your b2b leads hottest product of the season a special offer for your service or something similar. Remember to include a clear call-to-action in the message which the reader can click on to be rirect to the website. Remember to include a clear call-to-action at the end of the primary content.
Reader can press to be direct
a button that the to the website of the product or blog post. Attention always add the links Mobile Number IN to the body text as well as all recipients email programs may not display buttons andor images. The primary content of the newsletter presents the content that most nes the readers attention. Remember the call-to-action button! Secondary content