Reading tip Why is it important that your digital brand look is a recognizable entity Remember to note that the appearance of the newsletter is consistent with your brand look. 4. Social mia buttons At the end of the message it is good to have a social mia bar i.e. a series of social mia buttons. The buttons can be share buttons or links that direct your company to each social mia channels home page.
Be at the very beginnin
Social mia buttons can g e.g. in the header in the message itself or at the end of the message before business lead the footer. If the main goal of your campaign message is to increase social mia traffic then it is much more effective to place the button of a single channel such as Facebook at the end of the primary content of the message . It can be for example a CTA button with a different attention color.
Requir for the message
Footer – information The last but definitely not the least section is the footer which in standard cases contains the information requir by the Liuda Act. At least the Mobile Number IN following information must be found in the footer of the newsletter in order for the message to be sent The senders physical business address. Explanation of why the recipient is being sent the messages in question. You have subscrib to our newsletter at… or You will get additional tips because you have download the