There is no doubt: Galileo was a revolutionary figure , perhaps he can even be seen as a martyr of scientific research, a thinker who confront religious dogma and point the way for humanity in the coming centuries, in search of the progress that science and his dazzling achievements offer, he would walk with the confidence of a sleepwalker. And here is the curious and tremendous thing: a path that began mark by hope, that was travel with overflowing faith in the possibilities of achieving the development and general well-being of humanity thanks to the growing dominance that scientific research impos on nature, In the following three centuries it would become a series of failures that were not only resounding, but also frightening.
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Galileo and the fateful dawn of modern science From the industrial revolution, which along with an impressive development of the machine and productive power, brought with it the impoverishment business lead of millions of workers, to the world catastrophes of the 20th century and mass murder thanks to the use of sophisticat war technology and atomic energy as a weapon of war, passing through the colonial and neocolonial empires, whose voracious industrialism left as an unworthy passive the chronic underdevelopment that most of the imagin but never consolidat nations of the backward south of the planet suffer today, from then until today.
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He said, the dream of progress has become the nightmare of environmental disaster , the pratory hegemony of technological powers, pratory wars in search of energy security for the opulent north and the brutal cultural clash between east Mobile Number IN and west. This painting, in a desolate summary, is the manifestation of what walter benjamin – and i end with this shocking passage – express through the brilliant look cast at the famous painting by the austrian paul klee, a work that would give him the key to deciphering, perhaps with ineluctable resignation, the civilizational fiasco into which proud modernity has been transform.